Pakistan: Over 600 cases reported in 24 hours
Pakistan: Over 600 cases reported in 24 hours

In Pakistan, the infection of covid-19 is spreading rapidly. In one day, 670 new cases have been reported in the country with 670 new cases. The total number in the country has reached beyond 2 lakh 88 thousand. At the same time, the number of those who died is 6,168. With this, 266,301 patients have become healthy in the country.

Of the total infections, Sindh has the highest number of 125,904 cases, followed by 95,391 in Punjab, 35,153 in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa, 15,378 in Islamabad, 12,244 in Balochistan, 2,486 in Gilgit-Baltistan and Pakistan-occupied Kashmir (PoK). 2,181 were registered. The ministry said that health officials have so far conducted a total of 2,277,153 tests to detect coronavirus infection in the country.

The whole world is in trouble due to the Corona disaster from Wuhan in China. America alone is the most active country in the world due to this virus. Here the figure of infected has reached 53 lakh 71 thousand, while the death toll has reached 1 lakh 69 thousand. Brazil is the second most infected country. With the death of more than one lakh 7 thousand people here, the figure of infected has reached 33 lakh 17 thousand. Please tell that the third country infected is India. The number of infected people has crossed 25 lakh 26 thousand, while the number of deaths has reached 49 thousand. Russia is an infected country at number four.

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