India successfully tests 'Rudram' missile
India successfully tests 'Rudram' missile

New Delhi: The country's new generation anti-radiation missile Rudram has been successfully test-fired from Wheeler Island in Odisha today. Rudram is the first indigenous anti-radiation missile and has been developed by Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) for Air Force.

Rudram was released today to penetrate the target from Sukhoi-30 fighter aircraft and it targeted the radiation target. For this missile, Sukhoi-30 has been selected as a launching platform and is capable of hitting different ranges as per the launching situation. With the success of this test, the country has acquired the capability to develop long-range anti-radiation missiles to destroy enemy radars, communication sites, and other radiation-based targets.

India has successfully completed the test of an extended-range supersonic cruise missile Brahmos with indigenous boosters from a test facility on the Odisha coast on Wednesday. The Indo-Russian joint venture, Brahmos missile is capable of precise targeting about 400 kms.

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