Indian scientists discovered 3 giant black holes, find vital information about the universe
Indian scientists discovered 3 giant black holes, find vital information about the universe

New Delhi: Indian researchers have discovered 3 supermassive black holes merging with each other in the universe. Scientists have found three supermassive black holes from three different galaxies, which together form a triple active galactic nucleus. This is a solid region at the center of the newly discovered galaxy, which is much brighter than normal. The discovery has been published as a paper in the journal Astronomy and Astrophysics.

According to Indian researchers, this rare event in our near universe suggests that merging small clusters are an ideal laboratory for detecting the majority of supermassive black holes and further increase the chances of finding rare events. Actually, because of not emitting any kind of light, supermassive black holes are difficult to detect, but they can show their presence by being absorbed with their surroundings. 

Researchers say that when dust and gas from the surroundings fall on a supermassive black hole, some part of it is swallowed by the black hole, but some part of it is converted into energy and is released as electromagnetic radiation. Due to which that black hole looks very bright. These are called the Active Galactic Nucleus (AGN). Such nuclei release massive amounts of ionized particles and energy into the galaxy and its atmosphere.

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