Indian-American Ashwin Ramaswami Wins Democratic Primary in Georgia; Susheela Jayapal Loses in Oregon
Indian-American Ashwin Ramaswami Wins Democratic Primary in Georgia; Susheela Jayapal Loses in Oregon

In a significant political development, Ashwin Ramaswami, the first Gen Z Indian-American candidate running for a US state legislature, has emerged victorious in the Democratic primary in Georgia. Meanwhile, Susheela Jayapal, the sister of Indian-American Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal, has lost her Congressional primary bid in Oregon.

Ramaswami, aged 23, expressed his enthusiasm for the upcoming November election where he will face Republican Senator Shawn Still. "In November, I'll face Republican Senator Shawn Still - who was indicted alongside Donald Trump for being a fake elector in 2020. It's the most flippable State Senate seat in Georgia," Ramaswami stated.

Having recently graduated from Georgetown University, Ramaswami's victory marks a milestone as he could become the youngest ever elected representative in the State of Georgia and the first Indian-American to hold this position in the state.

Ramaswami's parents immigrated to the US from Tamil Nadu in 1990. Generation Z (also known as Zoomers) encompasses those born between 1997 and 2012.

In contrast, Susheela Jayapal, aged 62, faced disappointment in her maiden Congressional bid in Oregon's Third Congressional District, losing to State Representative Maxine Dexter. Dexter secured 51 per cent of the votes.

"I just called and extended my congratulations to Maxine Dexter on her election to represent Oregon's Third Congressional District. I am so proud of the campaign that I and my supporters ran. We were clear, from the beginning, that we were going to run a campaign based on values, and on our vision for the country and the district," Susheela Jayapal said in a statement.

Reflecting on the outcome, Pramila Jayapal expressed pride in her sister's efforts. "I am so, so proud of my incredible sister Susheela Jayapal. This wasn't the result our family was hoping for, but I know Susheela put everything on the line and ran a proudly progressive campaign rooted in people-power," she remarked.

Susheela Jayapal, a mother of two, has been an outspoken advocate for reproductive rights, education, and economic justice. Before seeking elected office, she dedicated herself to community advocacy and volunteering, serving on numerous local boards.

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