India's Online Gaming Industry Surpasses China with 442 Million Gamers
India's Online Gaming Industry Surpasses China with 442 Million Gamers

India has overtaken China with over 442 million online gamers, marking a significant milestone in the gaming landscape. In response to this growth, experts stress the importance of ethical practices and self-regulation within the industry.

A recent report titled "Guardians of Safe Play: Ethical Gaming for Vibrant Bharat," released by advisory firm Grant Thornton Bharat in collaboration with the E-Gaming Federation (EGF), underscores the necessity for a strong code of conduct and self-regulation. This initiative aims to ensure sustainable growth and ethical behavior among gaming companies.

The report advocates for a comprehensive Code of Conduct (CoC) to establish clear standards for ethical behavior, promoting accountability and transparency. It emphasizes the role of third-party certification in enhancing self-regulation and maintaining high industry standards.

Addressing critical concerns such as cyber threats and regulatory uncertainties, the CoC proposes best practices to mitigate risks and sustain industry growth. It also emphasizes player protection through proactive measures and educational campaigns, urging collaboration between industry players, regulators, and policymakers.

In examining the real money gaming (RMG) sector, the report distinguishes between games of skill and games of chance. It calls for updated laws and cohesive guidelines to manage complexities within the RMG sector effectively. The report further recommends legislative updates to address emerging challenges like microtransactions and loot boxes.

The emphasis on ethical gaming practices and self-regulation reflects India's commitment to fostering a safe and responsible gaming environment amidst rapid industry expansion.

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