Indonesia Arrestts Seven Over Alleged ISIS Plot to Attack Pope Francis
Indonesia Arrestts Seven Over Alleged ISIS Plot to Attack Pope Francis

Indonesia has arrested seven individuals in connection with a foiled terror plot aimed at attacking Pope Francis during his recent visit to Jakarta. The arrests, which took place on September 2 and 3 in Jakarta, as well as in the nearby cities of Bogor and Bekasi, West Sumatra province, and Bangka Belitung Islands province, were carried out by the national police's anti-terrorism squad, Detachment-88.

The ongoing investigation has yet to determine if the detainees are linked or part of a single terror cell. Detachment-88 spokesman Colonel Aswin Siregar reported that the arrests followed tips from the public, and searches related to the plot uncovered bows, arrows, a drone, and ISIS leaflets at one suspect’s home. Some of the arrested individuals had pledged allegiance to ISIS.

The plot appears to be connected to discontent over Pope Francis' visit to Jakarta’s Istiqlal Mosque, the largest mosque in Southeast Asia. Militants were reportedly angered by the government’s decision to replace the azan (Islamic call to prayer) with live coverage of the Pope’s visit on television. This change led to frustration among some local groups.

One of the detained individuals is reportedly affiliated with the same terror group that attacked former Chief Security Minister Wiranto in 2019. The group’s grievances seem to stem from both the Pope’s visit and the government's media decision during this period.

Pope Francis concluded his visit to Jakarta on September 6 as part of his 12-day Asia-Pacific tour, which also includes stops in Singapore and East Timor. The tour aims to highlight the Catholic Church's outreach and humanitarian efforts across the region.

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