Intake of choline during pregnancy may increase the metabolism of baby
Intake of choline during pregnancy may increase the metabolism of baby

A pregnant woman should take special care of the food during pregnancy as it affects greatly to child health. According to the experts, consuming more foods with choline during pregnancy may boost metabolism and brain development of babies.

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Austin Mudd, a doctoral student in the Neuroscience Program at the University of Illinois said,"In pigs from choline-deficient moms, their brains were about 10 percent smaller overall." He further said, 11 of the 19 regions were significantly smaller in choline-deficient brains, he said. The result was the same in grey and white matter concentration of the piglets.

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piglets whose mothers consumed sufficient choline during pregnancy had higher concentrations of grey and white matter in the brain's cortical regions. Grey matter is primarily made up of the neurons themselves, while white matter comprises the material that connects neurons and bridges in different parts of the brain.

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Explained Ryan Dilger, associate professor at the varsity."Postnatal supplementation cannot correct for prenatal deficiency. It has to occur during development,"  Mudd further said, "We know that the structural alteration is there, but it may not manifest in ways we can see until later in life. That's why it's important to think about this during gestation because the changes are occurring then,"


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