You will be surprised to know these five interesting facts
You will be surprised to know these five interesting facts

God has given us the form of human being and nature has made such a beautiful world. wherever you will go, you will find something beautiful to see, it is as beautiful as it is interesting as well. You heard about many such facts would knowing who you places that surprised few Hongekaesa surprised people we informed you may be sure of which is about let's take you.

The city of Meghalaya has one such river, which is called the cleanest river in India. The river is near the village of Mawliannang, which is said to be the cleanest village in Asia. The name of this river is 'Umangot River'. There are about 300 houses in the village and all together with clean the river. And if someone spreads dirt in it, a fine of up to Rs 5000 is charged.

Another such place is in the city of Namibia, where the Atlantic Ocean meets the West Coast Desert. It is the oldest desert in the world, which is about five and a half million years old. It is a matter of surprise that this desert mound is the largest mound in the world.

Everyone knows that there is a shortage of drinking water all over the world, but do you know that there is also a country which has the most potable water in the world, in a country called Brazil where the highest amount of renewable water resources , Which is a total of 8,233 cubic kilometers.

We all think that notes are made of paper but you will go to the learned square that notes are made not of paper but of cotton. This is because cotton is stronger than paper and does not break very quickly.

A bird that never lays its feet on the earth and loves the forest with tall trees. Its name is Hariyal bird, it often builds its nest on peepal and banyan trees. They are social animals and are mostly found in herds. Hariyal bird is the state bird of Maharashtra.

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