International Girl Child Day: Girls are the blessing of God, don't treat them like sin
International Girl Child Day: Girls are the blessing of God, don't treat them like sin

There are equal rights for children all over the world, including India, but even after that people give more importance to boys than girls. At present, new schemes are being run by the Government for girls which are proving to be effective in their interest and some steps are being taken to protect them all over the world. The International Day of The Girl Child, to be celebrated on 11th October has been declared by the United Nations and is also called the Day of Girls and the International Day of Girls.

Increases awareness about gender inequality by girls worldwide based on their gender. This disparity covers areas such as education, nutrition, legal rights, medical care, and protection against discrimination, violence against women, and failed child marriage. While some schemes are being worked out for the safety of girls all over the world, including India, the International Girl Child Day is celebrated only for girls from all over the world besides, the day not only helps in raising awareness about the issues faced by girls but also to solve their problems.

This day is of great importance in exposing the evils in the society, here we tell you that the law for the safety of girls in India has also been amended, atrocities on girls abroad, including the country, have also weakened the foundations of the society, and, to be seen, the girls are now working at par with the boys, which is also a big domination of them and also in the attitude of the people. There has been a change.

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