International Telecom Union (ITU) Report expresses More Phone users in India
International Telecom Union (ITU) Report expresses More Phone users in India

India is rising in Technology But that technological expedition is not spread all across the nation, As far the global expertise are concerned. The people and observers from across the globe believe that there is a certain need of digitalisation of India. They also believe that the Digital India like projects has been restricted to such certain opportune classes, Thence they conclude that there is a certain gap of use of technology in certain classes across India indeed.

However, their feet is not ideological; their analyses have been proved right surely by the International Telecom Union which looks onwards about the task networking for the global involvement and public connectivity too. The ITU has provided a report which certainly suggests that the implementation of such technological policies or even the use of communicational devices such as Phones is being restricted to the digital campaigns in the context of spread out and it's utilisation in the public sector.

The facts further on suggesting that 40% of the Indian population doesn't acquire properly featured phones, The ITU is an accomplished international body which published impartial reports about telecommunication across the globe, thus it brings shock to people's mind who must have thought certain plans of action like Digital India would have brought people more close to the telecommunication correspondence of digitalisation in India indeed. It is also mentioned in the report that public sector does lack the scheme agility up to 21 in their home accustomed technological devices as well as 19% in utilising the globalised perspectives which restrict them to use high profile devices.

The report also suggests that people tend to use other devices to talk and let those devices hover to their owners, or they tend to use low rate phones to utilise their daily communication rather than the implementation of High multimedia tasking. The ITU report finally concludes that the fact of impetus in field of Telecommunications yet to be received proper background in India, Till then The nation can apply certain idea into telecommunication sector.

Thus It believes that Certain schemes of Geo and other platforms might encourage the people, But how far they make an impact would be a far sighted statement to put upon...


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