International Yoga Day Celebrated at ASEAN Secretariat with Indian Mission
International Yoga Day Celebrated at ASEAN Secretariat with Indian Mission

JAKARTA: The International Day of Yoga (IDY) was celebrated at the ASEAN Secretariat in collaboration with the Indian Mission to ASEAN. This year’s event included a yoga session with participation from ASEAN staff and other stakeholders, continuing the tradition from last year's celebration at the ASEAN Headquarters.

Deputy Secretary-General of ASEAN for Community and Corporate Affairs, Nararya Soeprapto, opened the event on behalf of the Secretary-General of ASEAN. In his remarks, he emphasized the holistic health benefits of yoga, highlighting its role in promoting physical, mental, and spiritual well-being.

Originating in India, yoga is an ancient practice that aims to unite the body and mind. The word 'yoga' comes from Sanskrit and means 'to join' or 'to unite.' Recognized for its comprehensive approach to health, yoga is practiced worldwide, including in the ASEAN Member States, where its popularity continues to rise.

The United Nations declared 21 June as the International Day of Yoga on 11 December 2014, recognizing its universal appeal and health benefits. Since 2015, this day has been observed globally to raise awareness about the advantages of practicing yoga and its contribution to public health.

Singapore and India Unite to Celebrate 10th International Yoga Day

Elsewhere, in Singapore, the 10th International Yoga Day was celebrated with over 200 yoga enthusiasts. The event was led by Minister Rahayu Mahzam and Indian High Commissioner Dr. Shilpak Ambule, who emphasized yoga's importance in promoting health and unity. High Commissioner Ambule and other dignitaries highlighted yoga’s role in fostering global physical, mental, and spiritual well-being.

Minister Mahzam participated in the yoga session and stressed the importance of yoga in maintaining a healthy and balanced lifestyle. "India has indeed championed the global promotion of yoga benefits," she remarked.

High Commissioner Ambule emphasized yoga's unifying qualities, noting its critical role in bridging cultural and geographical divides. The event also featured participation from the Japanese Ambassador, Ishikawa Hiroshi, further demonstrating yoga's universal appeal.

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