IPL 2016's 52nd Match: Delhi Daredevils vs Sunrisers Hyderabad
IPL 2016's 52nd Match: Delhi Daredevils vs Sunrisers Hyderabad

In the IPL's ongoing 9th edition, 52nd match is going to take place today. Daredevils had remained inconsistent during the season and will face the strong Sunrisers Hyderabad.

With 12 points from 12 games, Delhi Daredevils need to win today's match against a confident Sunrisers at the Shaheed Veer Narayan Singh International Stadium. A loss today will knock the Daredevils out of contention for a play-offs berth.

Sunrisers, on the other hand, are assured of a place in play-offs and they are on top of the table with 16 points from 12 games. They have been the most consistent team in the tournament and except for the two consecutive defeats in the opening two matches, they have not lost back-to-back games in the league.

Daredevils though have reason to be a bit upbeat as they had beaten Sunrisers in the first leg in Hyderabad and they would look to win their final two league matches at their 'home' ground here.

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