Iranian Supreme Court accepts the appeals of two execution-bound protesters
Iranian Supreme Court accepts the appeals of two execution-bound protesters

THERAN: Iran's Supreme Court has accepted the appeals of two protesters who were sentenced to death as a result of errors in the investigation of their cases, according to the country's judiciary.

According to the Judiciary's Mizan news agency, "The Supreme Court accepted the appeals of Mohammad Kubdlu and Saman Saidi Yasin, accused of the recent riots."

'The Supreme Court has remanded them to the same court for re-examination due to research deficiencies.'

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Mid-September saw an outbreak of nationwide unrest following the custodial death of Mahsa Amini, a 22-year-old Kurdish Iranian woman who was detained by morality police for enforcing the Islamic Republic's mandatory dress code laws.

Iran executed two protesters earlier this month. Mohsen Shekhri, 23, was accused of blocking a major road and stabbing a member of the Basij force in September. Majid Raza Rahnaward, 23, was publicly hanged from a construction crane after he was accused of fatally stabbing two Basij members.

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Amnesty International claimed that Iranian authorities are seeking the death penalty for at least 21 individuals in what it called "mock trials designed to intimidate participants in the popular uprising that shook Iran". Is.

During the protests, Kubdlu is accused of killing a police officer and injuring five others.

Yasin, a Kurd who raps about oppression, unemployment and inequality, was accused of trying to kill security personnel and singing revolutionary music.

According to rights organization HRANA, 506 protesters had been killed as of Friday, including 69 minors. According to the report, 66 members of the security forces were also killed. It claimed that 18,516 protesters may have been detained.

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Earlier this month, a leading state security organization reported that 200 people, including security personnel, had been killed in the unrest.

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