Does your child also not feel like studying, then start this work from today itself
Does your child also not feel like studying, then start this work from today itself

Nowadays, children's attention gets distracted very quickly. A major reason for this is the gadgets present around them like mobile phones, tablets, TV etc. These things attract children's attention very easily. The brightness and colorful world of these devices instantly attracts children. They keep playing on these for hours and this diverts their mind from studies.

But don't worry, some easy yoga poses can help children focus and increase their concentration.

1. Tree Pose

This asana helps children develop balance and concentration. To do this, the child should stand straight and place one foot on the thigh of the other foot and join hands with it raised up.

2. Garudasana (Eagle Pose)

This asana also helps children develop balance and concentration. To do this, the child should stand on one leg and keep the other leg bent behind the knee of the first leg. Hands should also be kept folded in the same manner.

3. Balasana (Child's Pose)

This asana helps children to remain calm and stress free. To do this, the child should sit on his knees and rest his forehead on the ground.

4. Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)

This asana helps children strengthen back muscles and develop concentration. To do this, the child should lie on his stomach and keep his hands near the chest.

5. Shavasana (Corpse Pose)

This asana helps children to remain calm and stress free. To do this, the child should lie on his back and close his eyes.

Doing these yoga asanas for 15-20 minutes daily will definitely improve children's concentration and ability to focus.

Here are some other tips that can help children concentrate in studies:

  • Create a quiet and orderly environment: Provide children with a study space that is quiet and orderly.
  • Give children regular breaks: Give children breaks every 30-45 minutes so that they do not get bored.
  • Help kids study: Help kids with their homework and studies.
  • Motivate children: Motivate children to study and encourage them to achieve their goals.

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