Israel-Gaza Conflict: 1 Million ‘Trapped’ in South Gaza, Humanitarian Crisis Deepens
Israel-Gaza Conflict: 1 Million ‘Trapped’ in South Gaza, Humanitarian Crisis Deepens

The humanitarian situation in southern Gaza is deteriorating rapidly as one million displaced people are reportedly trapped without access to clean water or sanitation, according to Carl Skau, the deputy executive director of the UN’s World Food Programme (WFP). Skau described the level of destruction as shocking.

Medical sources confirmed  that 25 Palestinians were killed on Friday in Gaza, including an infant, in overnight airstrikes on Gaza City’s Tuffah and Shujayea neighborhoods. The strikes resulted in the deaths of 14 people and left dozens more injured.

In a tragic turn of events, the Qassam Brigades, the armed wing of Hamas, reported that Israeli airstrikes killed two Israeli captives held by the group in the Gaza Strip.

As the G7 summit concluded in Italy, leaders stressed the urgent need for the UN’s Palestinian refugee agency to operate freely and without obstruction in Gaza.

Since the conflict began on October 7, at least 37,266 people have been killed and 85,102 wounded in Israel’s ongoing war on Gaza. The death toll in Israel from Hamas’s attacks has risen to 1,139, with dozens still held captive in Gaza.

The latest Israeli raids also extended into the occupied West Bank, targeting areas like Ramallah, the Jalazone refugee camp, and the town of Kfardan west of Jenin. According to report, Israeli forces raided the home of Ahmed al-Rashad, sparking clashes with Palestinian residents. Confrontations also erupted between Palestinian youths and Israeli forces in Beit Ummar, north of Hebron. The Israeli forces confiscated vehicles and conducted searches in the town center.

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