It is difficult to end China on the economic front, know the full report
It is difficult to end China on the economic front, know the full report

The violent incident in Galwan on Monday last has shaken the nation. At the same time, anger is clearly visible in the country not only about China but also about its products. Businessmen have also released a list of some Chinese products, which they have excluded. The common people are also talking about not using Chinese products. There is also anger against China on social media and people are constantly making comments to boycott Chinese production. All these are aimed at taking revenge on China. But despite this anger of the people, it is even possible to tell China on the economic front? This is a question that is very important to find the answer. To find the answer to this question, Dainik Jagran spoke to Professor Acharya of Center for East Asian Studies and School of International Studies at Jawaharlal Nehru University.

For your information, let us tell you that in the opinion of Acharya, in the wake of the controversy over Galvan with China, some steps have been taken by the government in order to knock down China on the economic front. But, it is not so easy to rein in China on this front, because at present within India, small products to our own needs are coming from China. In such a situation, before putting a check on China, India will have to make a complete strategy and then work on it. Acharya believes that to defeat China, it will be necessary that the army and the government work together on the economic front.

In addition, the trade between the two countries is currently more than 100 billion dollars. However, compared to the goods sold by China from India, the product that India can buy from China is more. Due to this, India's trade deficit with China is quite large. At the same time, if we talk about the investment coming from China to India, then it is about 5-6 billion dollars, which Xi Jinping wants to do up to 20 billion dollars.

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