Javed Akhtar says, Hindu caste system has forced Muslim to live under a false lineage
Javed Akhtar says, Hindu caste system has forced Muslim to live under a false lineage

Javed Akhtar, an unbeatable lyricist and poet whose contribution in Indian Cinema is quite big. Javed attended Tata Steel Kolkata Literary meet on Friday where he speaks about the caste system says, it is the Hindu caste system that has forced Muslims to live under a false lineage, "You ask an average Muslim, what is your lineage? They will say 'My great great grandfather used to sell dry fruits in Basra, Iraq'. So they are willing to come from Afghanistan also, but right on Khyber Pass they stopped coming."

He later continued, "Why do they stop coming? "It is because of Hindu caste system. If he accepts my grandfather got converted in Punjab which he did, they (Hindus) will ask you what was your father before the conversion. It is Hindu caste system which has made him create a false lineage."

The poet said, "They say 'You are an invader, you have come from outside'. They say they have come from Ghaznavi. The fact is that they have not. The fact is 90 per cent of Muslims are converts. But they are accused to be the outsiders. And they say 'Yes, we are outsiders"

Akhtar, on asked about stereotype said, "we tend to stereotype people in every field. But as long as it is benign it's okay, the problem starts when it becomes malignant".

When asked about the relevance of Ummah, he said, "It becomes malignant from both the sides. People who are looking for a particular group of people, they have developed an opinion about them. And people who are within a community, they also have developed a certain opinion about themselves. There are also stereotyping. It's two way."

Muslims are like that. The fact that Muslims are no nation at all. There is a word they have Ummah, which is all the Muslims of the world are one nation, are they? "Let's go and ask these Saudis and the Kuwaitis, are we the same nation? In Kuwait or any any middle eastern country, so called Islamic country, nobody including a Muslim who is not from there will be able to allowed to marry a girl or do his own business without an Arab partner."

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