Joe Biden Issues public statement Deeming April 'Second Chance Month'
Joe Biden Issues public statement Deeming April 'Second Chance Month'

U.S President Joe Biden has made an official announcement deeming April 2021 as Second Chance Month. Also Biden urged “all government officials, educators, volunteers and all the people of the United States to observe with appropriate programs, ceremonies, and activities.”

U.S. Senators Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) and Rob Portman (R-OH) offered their support for the proclamation by introducing a resolution in the Senate aiming to deem April as Second Chance Month.

Notably, this is the fifth year that the largest Christian non-profit in the U.S.,  Prison Fellowship, providing services and support for prisoners, former prisoners and their families, has acknowledged April as Second Chance Month.  The non-profit established this annual observance in 2017 to bring awareness of the challenges encountered when a prisoner returns to their community.

In an email statement provided to Christian Headlines by Prison Fellowship, the organization’s President and CEO, James Ackerman, shared that the organization is “thrilled that the Biden Administration acknowledges the importance of Second Chance Month, a movement Prison Fellowship has led since 2017 to raise awareness about the more than 44,000 legal barriers men and women with a criminal record face.”

He went on to say, “By issuing this proclamation, this Administration is affirming their support for removing the unnecessary barriers that prevent those with a criminal record from becoming productive members of society”.

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