Lucknow: Kiran Tiwari, wife of Hindu Samaj Party President Kamlesh Tiwari, will take charge of the party. The party's national general secretary Rajesh Mani Tripathi has stated that "Newly elected national president Kiran Tiwari will hold her office in Lucknow office on 26 October. After this, she will be officially declared as the party's national president in front of the media."
Significantly, the national president of the Hindu Samaj Party, Kamlesh Tiwari was murdered in broad daylight on October 18 at his house in Khurshidbagh, Lucknow. The Gujarat STF has first arrested the three conspirators of this murder case and then both the accused. At the same time, Kamlesh's wife Kiran has been unanimously elected as the new national president of the Hindu Samaj Party by party officials.
Kiran Tiwari, the wife of the late Hindu leader, has demanded the government to hang the killers in jail as soon as possible instead of visiting them. The post-mortem report has revealed that Tiwari was stabbed 15 times with a knife and then shot in the face. After the murder of Kamlesh Tiwari, the state government has given Rs 15 lakh as financial help to the families of the deceased. Apart from this, CM has given his wife accommodation facility in Sitapur.
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