Kate Middleton’s True Nature: A Royal Biographer’s Insight Contradicts Meghan Markle’s Claims
Kate Middleton’s True Nature: A Royal Biographer’s Insight Contradicts Meghan Markle’s Claims

A royal biographer has provided a closer look at the true character of Kate Middleton, Princess of Wales, offering a portrayal that starkly contrasts with how Meghan Markle described her in the Netflix series Harry and Meghan.

Robert Jobson, the biographer, shared that Kate has a side that the public rarely sees. "I think she's not overly gushing... She's a lot more fun than the image that is often presented," Jobson explained in a recent interview.

He further added, "The image that’s presented can seem a bit enigmatic, but she’s much more lighthearted. She doesn’t like to let her guard down easily."

This portrayal of Kate is quite different from the one Meghan Markle shared. During a discussion about a dinner she had with Prince William and Kate, Meghan recalled, “I was in ripped jeans and barefoot. I’ve always been a hugger. I didn’t realize that could be unsettling for some Brits."

Meghan went on to describe her surprise at the formality she observed, stating, "I quickly learned that the formality on the outside carries through on the inside as well. There’s a forward-facing way of being that doesn’t disappear even behind closed doors."

Contrary to this, Jobson emphasized Kate’s lively and humorous nature, saying, “She laughs a lot, and I believe anyone who laughs often is someone with a good sense of humor and is comfortable with themselves, and Kate certainly embodies that.”

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