Kerala Launches Task Force to Expedite Insurance Claims for Wayanad Landslide Victims
Kerala Launches Task Force to Expedite Insurance Claims for Wayanad Landslide Victims

WAYNAD: In response to the devastating landslides that struck Wayanad on July 30, the Kerala government has established a dedicated task force to streamline insurance claims for those affected. This initiative aims to ensure that survivors receive prompt financial support for their losses.

The task force was formed following recommendations from a cabinet sub-committee. It is led by K. Gopinath, the Deputy Collector for Revenue Recovery, and has already begun its work. The team's primary goal is to accelerate the distribution of insurance claim payouts to the victims.

The task force will work in close coordination with various departments and agencies to gather necessary information. This includes details about the insurance policies held by the victims, who are currently living in relief camps or with relatives. The team will also collect data from government sources and insurance companies to ensure a comprehensive approach.

Insurance coverage will encompass a wide range of categories, including vehicle, life, home, crop, pet, and livestock. The task force will include representatives from the 'lead bank' district manager, the Directorate of Industries and Commerce, and the Department of Economics and Statistics to facilitate a smooth claims process.

The tragic landslides have claimed 226 lives so far, with 138 individuals still missing as of Wednesday. The formation of this task force represents a crucial step in addressing the urgent needs of those affected and providing them with the necessary financial relief.

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