Know how everything in house impacts and affects your luck
Know how everything in house impacts and affects your luck

A small house is made by mixing every small thing in the house. Every little thing in the house has its own importance and also contributes. These small things also provide prosperity and prosperity in the house and also increase difficulties. By using these things properly, we can increase our profit in life.

- The broom is such an important thing in the house that it shows the economic condition of the house.
- Disrespect of broom, footing, throwing and broken broom spoil the economic condition of the house.
- The broom should be hidden in the house and the hand portion should be kept down.
- By applying broom at sunset and after sunset, the person definitely becomes impoverished.

Temple where woman priest worship

- Scissors play an important role for home relationships, due to its misuse, household relationships can deteriorate.
- Keeping the scissors wrapped in cloth or paper keeps the relationship at home better.
- Do not use scissors without reason, otherwise, the debate in the house will continue to increase, relationships will deteriorate.
- Never lend scissors on any demand, otherwise, the relationship with that person will be spoiled.

- How are the people living in the house and what will be the status of the children of the house, you can know by looking at the knife.
- The knife should always be kept upside down in the kitchen, the edge should remain down, it will improve the child side.
- No blade or rusty knife can cause accidental health problems.
- Keeping a very large knife in the house spoils married life.
- If a person gives you a knife from the edge, then it should be understood that the person is selfish and has autism.

Lord Shiva- Goddess Parvati married in this place

Door Mat
- Pleasure brings happiness and difficulties at home.
- The foot should always be kept clean and unburnt.
- The messy and tattered footballs call for problems in your house.
- Every morning, clean the footpad and apply it at the door and pray for the arrival of God.
- Try not to have Swastik, conch shell, etc. on your foot, otherwise, plagues will start coming to your house.

Kitchen utensils
- Kitchen utensils can make money rain in your house very easily.
- Kitchen utensils should always be kept properly if the utensils are scattered then your life will come in ups and downs.
- Pots should be washed very carefully, keeping dirty utensils and using them can make you suddenly ill.
- Whenever you buy new utensils, first cook milk or make kheer in it, do not use it directly.
- Do not buy utensils on Saturday and such people whose Saturn is spoiled do not buy food by donating utensils.

Do this trick on the last day of the year, luck will change in the coming year

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