What is the difference between halal and haram?
What is the difference between halal and haram?

In Islam, food is classified as 'halal' and 'haram', which is intended to indicate which things are lawful (halal) to eat and which are unlawful (haram). This is determined according to Islamic teachings, and it is part of following Islamic principles in choosing a diet.

Difference between Halal and Haram

In Islam, 'halal' means legal or right and 'haram' means illegal or wrong. It is related to diet, which things can be eaten according to Islamic rules and which cannot. Haram foods are strictly prohibited in Islam and eating them is considered against Islamic rules.

Food items considered haraam:
Pork meat and its products

The first thing that is considered haram in Islam is the meat of swine (pig) and its food products. This is clearly mentioned in the verses of the Quran (Surah al-Baqarah, 2:173; Surah al-An'am, 6:145). Other products made from swine such as bacon, ham are also prohibited in Islam.


Consuming animal blood is also considered haram in Islam. Consuming blood makes the food impure, and it cannot be consumed.


Consumption of alcohol and drugs is also forbidden in Islam. Consuming intoxicants has a bad effect on a person's conscience and he goes in the wrong direction. This is clearly forbidden in the Quran, and it is said that by consuming intoxicants, a person starts doing the work of the devil.

Carnivorous animals and predatory birds

Eating the meat of animals that hunt or that use their claws for hunting is also considered haram. Such as lion, tiger, wolf and eagle. These animals usually eat carrion, so their consumption is forbidden in Islam.

Dead flesh

The meat of animals that have died a natural death or that have not been slaughtered in the correct manner according to Islamic rules is haram. In Islam, there is a rule of slaughtering an animal in the correct manner and if it is not followed, the meat is considered haram.

Spiritual and moral purity due to not eating haram foods

By not consuming haram food items, a person remains spiritually and morally pure. By doing this, he follows the teachings of Allah.

Health and Wellness

Health remains better by not consuming haraam things. Pork meat, blood and intoxicants can harm the body. Parasites present in pork meat can cause serious diseases.

ethics towards animals

Not eating meat of carnivorous and predatory animals shows kindness and ethical behavior towards animals. Good treatment of animals is emphasized in Islam.

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