On which pattern the university will conduct the exam?
On which pattern the university will conduct the exam?

In the midst of a nationwide lockdown, universities will now get a chance to try out experiments on which they could never muster the courage. These experiments currently include options such as Open Books Exam, MCQ (Multiple Choice Question), OMR (Optical Mark Reading) and Open Choice. Universities will now be free to try them here. Along with this, the universities which have strong IT infrastructure will also be free to conduct online examinations.

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All these options have been suggested in the guidelines issued by the University Grants Commission (UGC) for universities to deal with the challenges of Corona crisis. However, it has been made clear that the university should give information in advance of any of these options for conducting the examinations. Before UGC, there was pressure for change in examinations of universities for a long time. All these options were also included in this, but it has always been retreating for fear of any new controversy. However, now all these experiments can be tried.

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Apart from this, the UGC has made another important suggestion to the universities, in view of the delay in starting the academic session, whenever the universities open, they have been suggested to open six days a week. Currently, most of the universities in the country hold classes only five days a week. The UGC believes that with this they will be able to compensate for the loss of students' education.

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