Why Britney Spears came into the discussion? Know complete matter
Why Britney Spears came into the discussion? Know complete matter

Famous singer Britney Spears of America has her fans not only in America but all over the world. From the songs to her pictures, it does not take any time to go viral. Fans also like her social media posts. But a post by Britney which was made a few days ago became very much discussed and trended on social media, Save Britney (#SaveBritney) and Free Britney (#FreeBritney). Many people shared this post.

This whole affair starts with an Instagram post of Britney. On July 9, she posted an Instagram. A rose flower and a letter are seen in the posted picture. In the caption accompanying the picture, Britney wrote, 'She had flowers in her hair and magic secret in her eyes.' This is a line from Arundhati Roy's book 'The God Small Things' which came almost two decades ago. This is the same book, which became an instant hit at that time, and in 1997, Arundhati won the Man Booker Prize because of it. This book was the favorite book of that time.

This is the story of the childhood experience of twins whose lives are destroyed by the love lodge. Love Lodge means the social law made against love, which is the creator of the society itself. How evils like high, low caste, caste system, and rich-poor prevail in the society, end the life of two loving children. Arundhati Roy has given a very lively depiction of the ruthless society in this novel. This book is quite interesting as well.

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