Know why World Radiography Day is celebrated
Know why World Radiography Day is celebrated

World Radiography Day is celebrated on 8 November. In 1895, on this day, Xergil, the professor of physics at Warburg University in Germany, discovered X-radiation. This is why radiographers from all over the world celebrate this day as the anniversary of the discovery of X-radiation throughout the world. On this special occasion, we are going to give information about this invention.

Modern radiography is no less than a lifespan for a patient with changing time. When the introduction of X-rays started earlier, there were many difficulties at that time. Radiographers and patients themselves had to undergo this, but revolutionary changes in modern radiology have made the medical procedure easier. This is the reason why earlier the disease of the patient was not known correctly. The patient had some disease and his treatment was always going on. Due to this, most of the patients became grasps of age at a young age.

Dr. Rajendra Varma, the oldest and senior radiographer at Rajendra Prasad Medical College Hospital, said that old radiology was completely blind on World Radiography Day. This required a dark room. X-rays had to develop in the darkroom. If the X-ray is not correct, then the patient had to call again and do X-ray again. The time of the patient used to be more in this and the disease was also detected late. There is a computerized system. It is called CRS Computer Radiology System. It has developed in ten and fifteen years. This brings X-rays to the computer itself and the darkroom problems have been eliminated. DRS digitized radiography system has come after computer.

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