Last tribute to George Fernandes, politician visiting at the residence
Last tribute to George Fernandes, politician visiting at the residence

  In New Delhi, Prime Minister Narendra Modi arrives at the residence of the former defence minister and veteran socialist George Fernandes. Fernandes was the defence minister in the Atal Bihari Vajpayee government, passed away following a prolonged illness at the age of 88.

Vice-President M Venkaiah Naidu and senior leader Sharad Yadav pay their last respects to the former defence minister and veteran socialist George Fernandes in New Delhi.

Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar pays his last respects to the former defence minister and veteran socialist George Fernandes, at his residence in New Delhi.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi pays his last respects to the former defence minister George Fernandes, in New Delhi. Fernandes died Tuesday at the age of 88 after a prolonged illness.

Vice-President M Venkaiah Naidu and senior leader Sharad Yadav pay their last respects to the former defence minister and veteran socialist George Fernandes, at his residence in New Delhi. Fernandes' estranged wife Leila Kabir is seen at Venkaiah's right.

Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar interacts with the former defence minister and veteran socialist George Fernandes' estranged wife Leila Kabir, at his residence in New Delhi

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