On Thursday, India opened its medals tally in the 21st edition of the Commonwealth Games as Gururaja Poojary won first medal silver in the 56 kg category weightlifting. Apart from this, India not only blanked Sri Lanka 5-0 in the mixed team event in badminton but also beat the Sri Lankan team 3-0 in Table Tennis women's event. However, the India women's team lost their opening match to Wales. Earlier, the world champion weightlifter Mirabai Chanu will be in focus for her high medal-winning chances. She sets a new Commonwealth record and a commonwealth games record with an 86 kg lift in snatch in the 48kg women's category. India inch closer to its first gold after that historical moment. Mirabai Chanu lifted a total weight of 196 kg (86 kg Snatch + 110 kg Clean and Jerk) to win the first gold medal for India in the Commonwealth Games 2018
Chanu, who claimed a silver at the 2014 CWG, is being considered a sure shot medal prospect for India as her personal best of 194kg stands over 10kg more than her nearest rival in the competition. Chanu had become only the second Indian weightlifter after Karnam Malleswari to emerge a world champion in November 2017 when she created a new world record of 194kg - 85kg snatch and 109kg clean-and-jerk to lift gold at the World Weightlifting Championships in Anaheim, USA.