Macron and Albanese discuss future ties between France, Australia
Macron and Albanese discuss future ties between France, Australia

PARIS: Following the submarine dispute, Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and French President Emmanuel Macron met to discuss future relations between the two countries.

Macron and Albanese underlined their commitment to forging "a closer and stronger bilateral relationship based on mutual trust and respect," according to the Elysee, the official residence of the French president, on Friday.

The French President stated, "The new Australia position, proactive, offers us an opportunity to move forward jointly on new projects within the scope of efforts established these recent years.  

The Australian Prime Minister said, "For our countries' relationship, this visit symbolises a new beginning." "It concerns how Australia and France interact. Honesty, respect, and trust are important. I will approach my relationships in this manner "he said. Macron replied to the media by saying, "We will speak about the future, not the past."  

Australia's cancellation of a multi-billion dollar submarine agreement with French-owned Naval Group in 2021 caused a deterioration in relations between Australia and France.

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