Due to these 5 movements of Mahatma Gandhi, India got independence
Due to these 5 movements of Mahatma Gandhi, India got independence

Mahatma Gandhi is called 'Father of Nation' and you all must know that Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was born on 2 October 1869 and Gandhiji's father's name was Karamchand Uttamchand Gandhi and he was the Diwan of Porbandar. In this way, in 1906, he organized the first Satyagraha campaign against the Transvaal Asiatic Registration Act and in the year 1920 he joined the Indian National Congress Party and on 26 January 1930 declared India's independence from the British rule. At the same time, in 1917, he started many movements like Champaran Satyagraha, Non-cooperation movement and it was due to these movements that India got independence from the Britishers. Today we are going to tell you about the movement launched by Mahatma Gandhi.

Champaran Satyagraha: Let us tell you that this was the first Satyagraha under the leadership of Mahatma Gandhi, He reached Champaran in Bihar in 1917 in support of farmers who were forced to cultivate indigo and other cash crops instead of food grains.

Non-Cooperation Movement: After the success of Rowlatt Satyagraha, Mahatma Gandhi started the Non-Cooperation Movement and under this movement started on 1 August 1920, appealed to the people not to go to schools, colleges, courts to express non-cooperation against British rule and Nor pay taxes.

Salt Satyagraha: This movement is also called Dandi Satyagraha and took a 24-day foot march from Sabarmati Ashram near Dandi village near Ahmedabad on 12 March 1930 against the monopoly of British rule over salt.

Dalit Movement: In the year 1932, Gandhiji founded the All India Untouchability League and after this,  he started the untouchability movement from 8 May 1933 and published a weekly paper called 'Harijan' to help the Harijan movement and he fasted for 21 days.

Quit India Movement: This was Gandhiji's third major movement against British rule and on 8 August 1942, in the Bombay session of the All India Congress Committee gave the slogan 'British Quit India' but soon after that he was arrested. At the same time, the youth activists continued the movement through strikes and sabotage.

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