Make Chana Garlic Fry for breakfast today.
Make Chana Garlic Fry for breakfast today.

If you are thinking of making something new to eat, then you can make Chana Garlic Fry at home. It is perfect for breakfast and is very beneficial to eat. You all must have heard the many benefits of garlic. In such a situation, Chana Garlic Fry is best for your health, so let's know how to make delicious Chana Garlic Fry.

Ingredients to make Chana Garlic Fry-

1 cup soaked and boiled gram
1/4 cup garlic cloves
1 tsp cumin powder
1 tsp red chili powder
1 tsp chaat masala
salt to taste

Method of making Chana Garlic Fry- First of all soak the gram for two hours, then add some salt and pressure cook it till 80%. Now take it out of the water and let it cool down and mash each piece of gram lightly and then deep fry it till it becomes golden and crisp. After this, break each piece of garlic lightly and deep dry it separately till it becomes golden and crisp. Now mix both the ingredients in a bowl and then add all the dry spices. Well you can increase or decrease the quantity as per your choice. Mix all well and serve with tea or cold drink. We are sure that your family members will like it very much, and they will appreciate you. Share this recipe with your loved ones, they will also like it.

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