Ganesh Chaturthi, also known as Vinayaka Chaturthi, is a joyous Hindu festival celebrated with much enthusiasm across India. One of the highlights of this festival is the delightful array of sweets and treats prepared to offer to Lord Ganesha, the elephant-headed deity who is revered as the remover of obstacles. Among these delectable offerings, Kalakand stands out as a beloved sweet that captures the essence of the celebration. In this article, we will guide you through the steps to make Kalakand that will leave everyone delighted on Ganesh Chaturthi.
Ingredients You'll Need
Before we dive into the preparation process, let's gather the ingredients required to make this mouthwatering Kalakand:
For the Kalakand Mixture:
1. Milk: 2 liters
2. Sugar: 1/2 cup
3. Cardamom Powder: 1/2 teaspoon
4. Almonds: 10-12 (chopped)
5. Pistachios: 10-12 (chopped)
For Garnishing:
6. Saffron Strands: A pinch
7. Chopped Pistachios: A few for garnish
Preparation Steps
Now that we have our ingredients ready, let's start preparing the Kalakand:
Step 1: Boil the Milk
- Take a heavy-bottomed pan and pour 2 liters of milk into it.
- Place the pan on medium heat and bring the milk to a boil while stirring occasionally to prevent it from sticking to the bottom of the pan.
Step 2: Reduce the Milk
- Once the milk comes to a boil, lower the heat and let it simmer. Keep stirring continuously to avoid any lumps from forming.
- Continue simmering the milk until it reduces to half its original volume. This process may take around 20-25 minutes.
Step 3: Add Sugar and Flavor
- Once the milk has reduced, add 1/2 cup of sugar and 1/2 teaspoon of cardamom powder to it. Mix well.
- Keep stirring the mixture until it thickens further and starts leaving the sides of the pan. This is the crucial stage where the mixture turns into Kalakand.
Step 4: Add Nuts and Saffron
- Now, add the chopped almonds and pistachios to the mixture. Mix them in, and let the mixture cook for a few more minutes.
- Add a pinch of saffron strands for a rich flavor and a beautiful golden hue. Mix it well.
Step 5: Set the Kalakand
- Grease a plate or tray with a little ghee or butter to prevent sticking.
- Pour the thickened Kalakand mixture onto the greased plate and spread it evenly.
- Garnish the top with chopped pistachios and press them gently to set.
Step 6: Cool and Cut
- Allow the Kalakand to cool down to room temperature.
- Once it has cooled, refrigerate it for a couple of hours to set completely.
- Once set, cut it into desired shapes, such as squares or diamonds.
Serving and Enjoyment
Your homemade Kalakand is now ready to be served and savored. Share this delectable treat with your loved ones, and celebrate Ganesh Chaturthi with joy and sweetness. Lord Ganesha will surely be pleased with this delightful offering! So, this Ganesh Chaturthi, add a personal touch to your celebrations by preparing this scrumptious Kalakand that will leave everyone happy and satisfied.
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