VIDEO: Congress's double character about citizenship law, 16 year old video revealed...
VIDEO: Congress's double character about citizenship law, 16 year old video revealed...

New Delhi: Violent demonstrations are taking place from the Northeast to the capital Delhi in protest against the Citizenship Amendment Act. All opposition parties, from the Congress too, have been outspoken in their opposition. In the midst of all this, the BJP is also putting its side in support of the law. Regarding this, BJP's IT Cell President Amit Malviya has shared the 16-year-old video of senior Congress leader and former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and put the Congress in question.

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Malviya has shared Manmohan Singh's statement in Rajya Sabha on 18 December 2003 through a tweeter, in which Manmohan Singh is saying that 'I want to say something about the behavior of the saints, after the partition of the country like Bangladesh Minorities in countries are facing a setback and it becomes our moral responsibility to take refuge in India if people leave their country due to circumstances Minister has to be, then such adversity should be more lenient process to Indian citizenship. I hope that the honorable Deputy Prime Minister will keep this in mind and take steps towards the Citizenship Act in the future.

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On this statement of Manmohan Singh, then Deputy Prime Minister LK Advani said that I completely agree with this. Let us tell you that even while presenting the Citizenship Amendment Act, Home Minister Amit Shah said that 'Manmohan Singh said and we are fulfilling his words, we are fulfilling this by following the path given by him, which He could not complete even during his reign.

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