PC THOMAS: ‘International Labour Day- 2021’ – May First – marks pain, not a celebration for workers because many labours, employees, retired employers, doctors, police officers, health workers all through the labour community departed from the world hit by coronavirus. Let us first tribute them.
The world economy won’t be able to fully repair last year’s damage to employment in 2021 after the Covid-19 pandemic wiped out the equivalent of 255 million jobs, according to the International Labour Organization. And it is in this midst that Labour Day 2021 knocks the door, where many are in second pandemic crisis!
‘The International Labour’s day’ has been a joyful occasion only until 2019, i.e, before the break out of pandemic, when the people of the world commemorated the true essence of the working class. The workers gathered and showcased their strength that signified how competently they can struggle to bring in positive developments for the working of the society.
Unlike this year, however, people are once again facing an unprecedented crisis. Due to the deadly variant of virus attack, most of the migrant labourers were sadly left in a state of panic created by the swiftness of second lockdown. The whole countries in the world, in midst of social and economic shutdown, are facing a tough time now. Lives of many of labours have been abruptly uprooted by the lockdown, placing them in very shaky situations. Thousands of migrant labours have tried to walk home to their villages due to panic of Covid-19.
The Covid-19 crisis not only affected the daily waged labours, but also many businesses are experiencing severe economic difficulties. Covid-19 has stalled the employment career, businesses all over the world whereby people are becoming unemployed. Factories, small industries, production, construction and operations have come to a standstill. While new jobs are struck in the lockdown, there is an ongoing livelihood crisis to crores of employees due to the closure of industries.
Since the Covid-19 virus spreads easily to the delicate and daily labours on account of their weak health and less immunity system, it is desirable that Governments should take new endeavors to preserve the health of labours. It is also attractive to provide large-scale unemployment allowance for helping the migrant workers through the COVID-19 crisis, considering the current plight and poverty they endure. Then only the Labor Day becomes unique this year 2021. And let us besides pray how long we will have to wait total eradication of the disease from the world.
In this International Labours’ Memorial Day 2021, let us strongly vow that workers are the strength of the Company all workers will overcome the current corona-crisis and they will eat the fruit of their handwork; by the sweat of their forehead they will eat their food. "The road to success is not easy to navigate, but with hard work, drive and passion, it's possible to achieve the American dream." Salute to Labours who are really heroes of every nation and the ladder through which economy of every nation grows, blessings and prosperity will always be theirs!!
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