Michael Jackson died due to this reason
Michael Jackson died due to this reason

Michael Jackson is always remembered for his songs and unique fashion. He was called the "King of Pop". His unique identity and moon walk step made him famous all over the world. Michael Jackson died on 25 June 2009 at the age of 50, which shocked his fans and the world. He was found dead in his house and the cause of his death was said to be a heart attack.

Michael Jackson's bodyguard's revelation:
Recently Michael Jackson's bodyguard Bill Whitfield has made some shocking revelations about his death. In an interview given to 'The Sun', Bill talked about Michael's last days. He was asked if anyone was at fault in his death? On this Bill said, "Yes, I have considered whether it could have been done intentionally."

The condition had worsened in the last days
Bill said that Michael Jackson had become much weaker in his last days. Even before the 'This Is It' tour began, many changes had taken place in his life. There were more people around him and he had become very busy. Michael was rehearsing a lot and all this was taking a toll on him.

Stress was fatal for Michael.
Bill further said, "The thought that he was killed on purpose doesn't make sense to me. I've often been asked who killed him? And I've told people a lot. A lot of us were involved. A lot of people not only wanted to be with him, but a lot of people wanted something from him. So he was under stress, and stress can be fatal."

Bill also spoke on the allegations of sexual harassment
Bill was with Michael Jackson since 2006. He also spoke on the allegations of sexual harassment against Michael. Bill said, "He was not like that. To know him, you had to be around him and I was there, so I can say that he was not like that."

The real reason behind Michael Jackson's death
In this interview, Bill explained the circumstances behind Michael Jackson's death and the struggles of his last days. He believes that the sudden increase in stress in Michael's life and excessive rehearsals had a deep impact on his health, which ultimately led to his death.

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