Baghdad: Thousands of people on the streets, angry with America over the death of these powerful people
Baghdad: Thousands of people on the streets, angry with America over the death of these powerful people

Thousands have gathered on the streets for Iraqi militia leader Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis and the head of Iran-backed Kurdish force Major General Qasim Suleimani, killed in a US air strike in Iraq on Friday. It was told that a procession is being taken in Baghdad. Here, people have taken to the streets to attend the last rites of the people including Sulaimani, who was killed in the attack, and are mourning with pictures of Sulaimani in the hands of the people. Sulaimani died. America also confirmed this.

According to media reports, the Middle East is once again seen to be very unstable due to the attack on the Major General of Iran, the US. Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, deputy commander of the Iran-backed militia Popular Mobilization Force, has also died in this US attack. No one had thought about the tension that had arisen in the US-Iran in the last year.

After this incident, the situation seems to be such that a situation like Gulf War has arisen once again in the Middle East. Experts believe that if this tension persists for a long time, this situation will be very bad not only for India but also for many other big countries of the world. Major General Kasim Sulaimani was the second most powerful person of Iran. When he joined the powerful Revolutionary Guard of Iran and started climbing the steps of the high, he became very close to the country's highest leader Ayatollah Khamenei. Also killed was Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, who was deputy commander of the Group of Paramilitary Forces of Iraq's Popular Mobilization Forces (PMF). At the same time, it was told that the funeral was arranged for the other two, including these two, by the PMF itself.

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