America airstrike in Iraq killed 6 people
America airstrike in Iraq killed 6 people

The US, which is among the strongest countries of the world, on Thursday carried out airstrikes on the bases of Iran-backed rebels in Iraq. In these attacks, five arms stores of Shia rebels were targeted. However, the Iraqi army condemned this and said that 6 people died and 12 were injured in this attack. It is feared that the same rebels had fired 18 rockets a day before at a military base near Baghdad, the capital of Iraq. Two Americans and one British soldier were killed and 12 others were injured in this.

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On this matter, US officials said on Friday that American fighter jets in Iraq targeted five locations and mainly Qatib Hezbollah's weapon bases. Most of the attacks were carried out in the vicinity of Baghdad. Authorities have expressed apprehension about the death of about 50 rebels in these attacks. The US Defense Department Pentagon said that the rebels' ability to attack was destroyed by targeting five weapons storage targets. Weapons kept at these bases were used against the US and coalition forces.

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After the rocket attack, Defense Minister Mark Asper had said, "America will not tolerate any attack against its people, interests, and allies. We will take necessary action to protect our forces deployed in Iraq and the region.'' The new airbase of northern Baghdad was targeted for the rocket attack on Wednesday. This airbase has been kept as a base by the US-led coalition forces. It is believed that Iran-backed fighters fired these rockets but no one has claimed responsibility for this attack yet.

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