MoD Partners with SpacePixxel to Develop Advanced Miniaturized Satellites
MoD Partners with SpacePixxel to Develop Advanced Miniaturized Satellites

The Ministry of Defence (MoD) has teamed up with SpacePixxel Technologies Pvt Ltd to design and develop a miniaturized satellite. This initiative is part of Innovations for Defence Excellence (iDEX), a key program under the MoD. The agreement was signed on Tuesday in New Delhi, aiming to create a satellite capable of carrying various advanced payloads up to 150 kg, including electro-optical, infrared, synthetic aperture radar, and hyperspectral sensors.

The contract was officially exchanged between Anurag Bajpai, Additional Secretary (Defence Production) and CEO of the Defence Innovation Organisation (DIO), and Awais Ahmed Nadeem Alduri, Founder and CEO of SpacePixxel Technologies Pvt Ltd. The ceremony was attended by Defence Secretary Giridhar Aramane and other officials.

In his speech, Defence Secretary Giridhar Aramane praised the commitment of new defence innovators for their role in advancing technology and enhancing national security. He highlighted the critical role of indigenization combined with innovation, noting that domestic capabilities are essential for fostering experimentation and development. Aramane assured full support to innovators at every stage of their journey.

SpacePixxel is dedicated to creating and launching high-resolution hyperspectral imaging satellites for detailed earth observation data. This partnership marks the 350th contract under the iDEX initiative. The project focuses on innovation in space electronics, enabling the miniaturization of payloads previously deployed on large satellites. The new modular small satellite will offer numerous benefits, including faster and more economical deployment, ease of manufacturing, scalability, adaptability, and reduced environmental impact.

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