This private jet has facilities like home worth crores of rupees
This private jet has facilities like home worth crores of rupees

To make the house convenient and beautiful, people do not know how much money they spend. Every person wants his house is very beautiful and equipped with every facility. But recently, a company has made such an aircraft which is looking like a luxury apartment, not a ship. The company has included every facility in this ship, which is in a flat. Actually, the aircraft manufacturer of England, Acropolis Aviation Company, has introduced this ship. This ship is the ACJ 320 neo model of Airbus Company, which has been customized and given the look of the private jet. This private jet can comfortably sleep, 17 people.

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This luxury ship has a penthouse, bedroom, meeting cabin and bathroom. 19 people can also sit together in this jet and there is also a system of sleeping of 17 people. Once refueled, this ship can complete a journey of about 9600 km. It is the largest and grandest in the private ship category. The price of this private ship has been kept at Rs 813 crore. The Airbus, which the company has given the look of a private jet, has been used as a commercial ship before this. This model has included in Lufthansa and British Airways aircraft.

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It takes 13 months to design the interior of this aircraft. This ship can cover the distance from America to New Zealand or New York to London in one go.

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