Mothers' Day: How to Celebrate Mother’s Day in these COVID Times?
Mothers' Day: How to Celebrate Mother’s Day in these COVID Times?

PC THOMAS:  MOTHER’S DAY (the second Sunday of May) is a reminder to reflect on the love we have received from our beloved mothers since the day we were born and to express our appreciation for   and gratitude to the person who has never stopped loving us. It is a day (today) to make our mothers specially happy for all that our mothers have done for us.

Mothers live their life every day very intensely. They have to play different roles in different situations of everyday life.  For some mothers, an ordinary day can bring emotionally trying moments with feelings which even deplete their emotional energy at the end of the day. Some have to bear the painful loss of their children due to Covid-19 sickness or accidents. For some the pain comes at the loss of their children who run away from their families. Or some mothers are gripped with fears and anxieties about their children’s health and future. Some expecting to be mothers long to see the face of the child yet to come and prepare themselves to be good mothers. Some who cannot bear children adopt children and try to be the best mothers for them.  Some mothers who are old feel happy that their children look after them well and others feel abandoned by their children. Whatever be the situation in which a mother lives, her life-giving and life-nurturing role cannot be replaced by anyone.  Mothers are the great contributors for the well-being and development of any society.  They endure all hardships to create a better world where their children can live in happily.

This year’s International Mother’s Day comes along in the midst of second wave of Covid-19 pandemic where there are re-defined restrictions for any usual celebrations. One cannot express his or her affection to one’s mother as one used to do, like going for an outing with mother for a celebration. However, this ‘Covid-led Mother’s Day’  opens up new and creative ways of celebrating mother’s day which expresses one’s love and affection for his or her mother while maintaining social distancing measures and keeping everyone safe and healthy.

In this trying and difficult situation of the lockdown, however, how can one emotionally celebrate his Mother’s Day with the limited means and possibilities demonstrate a person’s love and affection for his or her mother?  For children, I would suggest the following: Dear children what you can do is to take a piece of paper and write an acronymic poem for your mother:- Mother I love you, Obviously I love you, Truly I love you, Heartfully I love you, Everlastingly I love you, Really I love you. Each starting letter of the sentence would express the intensity of your love and affection and  it would make your MOTHER happy!.  In a variety of ways with lot of creative actions you can make your mothers happy in the best way possible.

Children, let your mother become crazy with your love and affection! On this mother’s day, you can demonstrate your affection in different ways. Give your imaginative power a free play to devise various ways of making your mother happy.  Would you like to give your mother, a cup of sweet milk to drink  touch up different nail polishes on her nails, or do even apparently funny things like feeding her a bit? Let your warmth of love demonstrate God’s love for your mothers, so do everything with your heart and make her cry with joy with your affection and love.

What can the adults do on the Mother’s Day?, You can share the fond memories with your mother which are vivid in your mind which in all probability your mother had forgotten. Say always thanks to God for the loving personality that your mother is. Never forget that it was your mother who inspired you most in your life.  Say to your mother: “Mom without you, I would not be what I am today.”

For many, this Mother’s Day is going to feel very different from the usual ones because of the difficult situation we are in, but let us make it a day of celebration with its solemnity. Make your mother feel special always especially in these Covid times.  “Yes, Mom, you are certainly the wind beneath our wings!  I do not know how I would survive in this harsh world without you. I love you, my mother.” Happy Mother’s Day!

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