Mothers throwing their children on barbed wire in Taliban rule... Begging for life!
Mothers throwing their children on barbed wire in Taliban rule... Begging for life!

Kabul: The Taliban, a terror group that spoke of "equal rights" on camera after capturing Afghanistan, is now showing its true tone. Taliban militants can be seen wreaking havoc on the streets of Jalalabad from Kabul airport. At the same time, the ground reality is exactly the opposite of what the Taliban is doing on TV about women's freedom.



Afghans, especially women, are forced to beg for their lives here. Some pictures of the same were seen at Kabul airport, where women were so scared that they were urging foreign troops to protect them from the Taliban in bad conditions. She was throwing her child on the other side of the barbed wire, without thinking that it could hurt her. "All the mothers were very upset, they were being slaughtered by the Taliban," says an official posted at the airport. She was shouting 'Save my child' and she was throwing her children at us. Some children were falling on barbed wire. It was all very heartbreaking. By nightfall, the situation became such that there was hardly a man who was not crying at that time.

According to a media report, videos related to the incident have also surfaced. They can see how a mother is throwing her baby on the other side of the wire, perhaps confident that foreign soldiers on the other side will save them. Earlier, the Taliban had opened indiscriminate fire in Jalalabad, killing at least 3 people and injuring 6. Several journalists were also assaulted during the incident.

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