Murmu's big Statement!: Those deprived for centuries are seeing their reflection in me"
Murmu's big Statement!: Those deprived for centuries are seeing their reflection in me

NEW DELHI: India's new President Droupadi Murmu said that it is a matter of great satisfaction that those who have been deprived for centuries and those who have been denied the advantages of development, poor, downtrodden, backwards and tribals are seeing their reflection in her.

Murmu said in her inaugural statement as India's 15th president that she began her life journey in a small tribal village in Odisha, in the country's east. She described receiving an elementary education as "like a dream" given her upbringing.

"Despite numerous hurdles, my determination prevailed, and I became the first daughter in my village to attend college. I am a member of the tribal society. I have had the opportunity to advance from being a ward councillor to becoming the President of India. This is India's greatness as the mother of democracy "She said.

She said that a daughter born in a poor house in a remote tribal area to rise to the highest constitutional position in the country is a testament to the power of Indian democracy.

Murmu said that becoming President was not her personal triumph, but rather the achievement of every impoverished person in India. "My election demonstrates that the poor in India can have and realise their goals. And it gives me great happiness that individuals who have been deprived for generations and denied the blessings of development, those impoverished, downtrodden, backwards, and tribals, feel reflected in me "She stated.

President Murmu stated that this election was a blessing for the country's impoverished and reflected the ambitions and potential of crores of mothers and girls. "This election also demonstrates the bravery of today's Indian youth, who are willing to forge new routes and avoid well-worn paths. Today, I am proud to be the leader of such a modern India. Today, I guarantee my fellow citizens, particularly the young and women of India, that their interests would be my first priority while serving in this capacity "declared the President.
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