Muslim Community Objects to Gurudwara Construction in Faisalabad, said Sikhs are rapists
Muslim Community Objects to Gurudwara Construction in Faisalabad, said Sikhs are rapists

Islamabad: Another instance of minority persecution has surfaced in Faisalabad, Pakistan. The Punjab government had approved the construction of a Gurudwara in Faisalabad, but local Muslims are obstructing this initiative. Their hostility is directed towards Hindus and Sikhs, as evidenced by a viral video showing the Muslim community's opposition to the reopening of a Gurudwara that has been closed for 76 years. Among the protesters is Amin Butt, the Deputy Mayor of Faisalabad, who is seen threatening to prevent the Gurudwara's reconstruction. In the video, Butt is heard making inflammatory remarks against the Sikh and Hindu communities.

In the viral video, Butt says, "Sikhs are rapists and killers of Muslims. We will not allow any Sikh Gurudwara in Faisalabad. If Sikhs try to build it, they will have to face the fighters of Allah." Such incidents underscore the persistent discrimination and intolerance against religious minorities in Pakistan. Hindus, Sikhs, and other minority communities face significant challenges, including discriminatory laws, social exclusion, and violence fueled by religious extremism.


The Sikh community in Pakistan has long endured violence and discrimination, including the vandalism of gurdwaras, physical attacks, and threats. They also grapple with issues like the illegal occupation of gurdwara properties and property disputes. Human Rights Watch reports that religious minorities in Pakistan experience systematic discrimination and violence, with blasphemy laws often being misused to target them.

The Faisalabad incident is part of a larger pattern of religious intolerance and discrimination against minorities in Pakistan. International bodies, including the United Nations, have urged Pakistan to address these issues and protect the rights of religious minorities in line with international human rights standards.

Given the escalating tensions over the Gurudwara's reconstruction in Faisalabad, it is crucial for local and national authorities to ensure the safety and rights of the Sikh community. They must take definitive action to uphold religious freedom for all minorities and provide a secure environment. This incident highlights the ongoing need for protection and respect for religious minorities in Pakistan. The government and international organizations must collaborate to safeguard these communities and uphold their rights.

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