Ants move in a line due to this reason, Know whole truth
Ants move in a line due to this reason, Know whole truth

To maintain the balance of the environment, God has created all kinds of animals, big and small. There is also an ant among them. You have often seen that ants always walk in a line, but do you know why this happens. Today we are going to tell you about it.

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Ants are social animals that live in the colony. This colony consists of a queen ant, male ant, and many female ants. Queen Ant's children number in the millions. The identity of male ants is that they have wings, while female ants do not have wings. Although usually we only know about red and black ants, but you will be surprised to know that there are more than 12 thousand species of ants worldwide. Ants are found in every corner of the world except Antarctica. The world's most dangerous ants are found in the Amazon forests of Brazil. It is said that she stings so fast as if the gunshot has penetrated into the body. Due to this specialty, these ants are known as 'Bullet Ant'.

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The ant is one of the strongest creatures in the world with respect to its size. Although it is small in appearance, but it has such ability inside that it can lift 50 times more weight than its weight. The ants do not have lungs in their body. They have small holes in their body for movement of oxygen and carbon dioxide. Although ants do not have ears. It feels the noise from the vibration of the ground. Although ants have eyes, but they are only for appearance. It cannot see. When these ants go out in search of food, their queen goes on the way leaving a chemical called pheromones, smelling the smell of which the other ants also follow behind her, forming a line. This is the reason why ants walk in a line.

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