Man with 2 faces, when one slept, the other face woke up
Man with 2 faces, when one slept, the other face woke up

In today's world, there are many such people, whose secret has not been known or understood until today. One such mysterious person used to be in 19th century England, who is claimed to have had two faces, one in front and one right back. Let us tell you that this was the only person in the world who had not one but two faces.

According to the information, the two-faced man was named Edward Mordrake and says that Edward's second face was not in active state, although as he tried to sleep, his other face would wake up and he would whisper throughout the night. In 1985, an article was published in the Boston Post, in which Edward was mentioned and it was written that Edward was very upset with his other face, because of this he could not even sleep for many days.

It is also said that Edward also went to the doctor for his treatment, although the technique was not so advanced at that time, so the treatment was not possible. But it is also said that he was refused treatment by doctors. It is also said that Edward's back face was that of a girl who had eyes, although she could not see, and in addition to that she had a mouth, although she could not eat nor speak loudly. She just whispered and that too about hell. It is also said that Edward's happiness was not tolerated by this face, he was very upset by this and he committed suicide at the age of 37.

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