Nafisa Ahmed;described rape & permission through series of tweets and it's extremely spot on
Nafisa Ahmed;described rape & permission through series of tweets and it's extremely spot on

Sexual act that happens devoid of the approval of one of the people concerned in the act is essentially a rape.

Nafisa Ahmed, the girl with her tweets well explain to some men,but I would rather even women learn a thing or two from it. It's for everyone. 

  • I don't get how rape is so hard to understand for some men. But, if you put it like this, they get it:
  • If you ask me for $5, and I'm too drunk to say yes or no, it's not okay to then go take $5 out of my purse... Just because I didn't say no.
  • If you put a gun to my head to get me to give you $5, you still stole $5. Even if I physically handed you $5.
  • If I let YOU borrow $5, that doesn't give the right for your FRIEND to take $5 out of my purse.
    "But you gave him some, why can't I?"
  • If you steal $5 and I can't prove it in court, that does NOT mean you didn't steal $5.
  • Just because I gave you $5 in the past, doesn't mean I have to give you $5 in the future.
  • If you can understand alllllll of that, how do you not understand the concept of rape?
  • Ok, rant over. Times like this are good because it lets me know which men to avoid spend any time with or in the vicinity of.
  • And to think a man said "Well she sat on his lap & went to his house." Okay, if I ask you to hold my purse, does that mean you can take $?



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