Nancy Tyagi's Strategy Behind Her Viral Red Carpet Gown at Cannes Film Festival 2024
Nancy Tyagi's Strategy Behind Her Viral Red Carpet Gown at Cannes Film Festival 2024

Nancy Tyagi has taken the Cannes Film Festival 2024 by storm with her remarkable debut appearance, leaving a lasting impression with her stunning outfits on the red carpet. Her first look, a pastel-colored gown, has become the talk of the town, receiving accolades from industry stalwarts and fans alike.

In a recent podcast with Ranveer Alhabadia, the fashion influencer shared the behind-the-scenes story of her standout gown and the strategy behind choosing it for the international event.

Choosing the Pink Gown

During the podcast interview, Nancy Tyagi revealed the meticulous planning that went into selecting her first red carpet gown for Cannes 2024. She aimed for an ensemble that would capture everyone's attention, opting for a gown made from a substantial 1000-meter fabric, which also added to its weight.

She explained, "I wanted something that would stand out on the red carpet, so I chose this heavy outfit. Even if people didn't like it, at least they would notice it. I put a lot of thought into it before going."

Three Looks for Cannes

Nancy Tyagi had prepared three different looks for the Cannes Film Festival 2024. While her first look with the plush gown went viral, she mentioned that her saree, which was part of her second look, received the most love from people. She decided against wearing the saree on the first day of the festival as she believed it might not have made the same impact as her elaborate pink gown.

She expressed satisfaction with her decision to showcase the pink gown first, as her strategy had clearly paid off.

Mother's Struggles

Reflecting on her journey, Nancy Tyagi also spoke about her mother's hardships. Her mother, who was a teacher in their village, had struggled financially. Concerned for her mother's safety while working in a factory with heavy machinery, Nancy decided to make her mother's life more comfortable. She gifted her a puppy, which has brought immense joy and companionship to her mother's life.

Designing for Celebrities

Nancy Tyagi, who had previously expressed a desire to design for Sonam Kapoor, shared that the actress had appreciated her work and expressed interest in having her create something for her. When asked about what she would design for Sonam Kapoor, Nancy mentioned that she would design a saree for her.

She also expressed a wish to design for men, particularly mentioning her admiration for Shah Rukh Khan. Nancy received numerous messages of appreciation from celebrities like Arjun Kapoor, Rhea Kapoor, and several TV personalities, further solidifying her rising popularity in the industry.

Nancy Tyagi has gained a significant following on social media for her original designs and is poised to make further strides in the fashion world with her creativity and dedication.

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