NEET Exam Irregularities: Congress Leaders Demand Probe and Justice
NEET Exam Irregularities: Congress Leaders Demand Probe and Justice

Congress leaders, including Priyanka Gandhi Vadra, Jairam Ramesh, and Mallikarjun Kharge, have raised serious concerns over alleged irregularities in the NEET medical entrance exams, demanding a high-level investigation supervised by the Supreme Court.

On June 7, Priyanka Gandhi Vadra took to social media to express her concerns and demand action from the Modi government regarding the NEET exam irregularities. She highlighted the alleged paper leak and subsequent complaints about the exam results. In her post, she questioned why the voices of lakhs of students were being ignored and urged the government to resolve the legitimate complaints.

Congress President Mallikarjun Kharge also criticized the Modi government, holding it "directly responsible" for the issues surrounding NEET. He described the situation as a gamble with the future of lakhs of candidates and demanded a thorough investigation under the supervision of the Supreme Court. Kharge accused the BJP of betraying the youth of the country and emphasized the need for justice for the students affected by the alleged irregularities.

Jairam Ramesh, Congress General Secretary in-charge of Communications, echoed similar sentiments in his social media post on the same day. He condemned the alleged scam in NEET, labeling it as unacceptable and unforgivable. Ramesh alleged that this year's NEET paper was leaked and criticized the government for suppressing the issue. He raised questions about the credibility of the results and highlighted discrepancies in the marks obtained by the candidates.

The Congress leaders demanded answers from the government on various issues, including how 67 students scored a perfect 720 out of 720 marks, the alleged suppression of the paper leak news, and the timing of the results announcement. They called the clarification provided by the National Testing Agency (NTA) superficial and unreliable, emphasizing the need for a comprehensive investigation into the matter.

The demand for a high-level probe supervised by the Supreme Court underscores the seriousness with which the Congress party views the alleged irregularities in the NEET exam, stressing the importance of ensuring fairness and transparency in the examination process.

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