Prof Peacock says "The whole world will be engulfed ..."
Prof Peacock says

Since the beginning of covid-19, it has seen about 4 thousand mutations. But what is being discussed now is being said to be more terrible than all these. In the UK, a new variant has emerged, which scientists are worried about. Sharon Peacock, head of Britain's Genetic Surveillance Program, has said that it is more dangerous than the earlier variants and the world may be exposed to this variant for the first time in the UK. He has also said that the fight going on can last for almost a decade. According to the scientist Peacock this new variant is named Kent.

Where this statement of Shiron has raised the concern of the whole world. Let me tell you that earlier, in the UK itself, whose new variant was discovered, which was later found in other countries of the world. According to Reuters, the new variant of Britain is increasing rapidly. So far, cases of this virus have been reported in more than 50 countries. The director of the UK Consortium has even said that the UK has come completely in the grip of it. According to him, it can also feed on the hard work of the scientists involved in developing the covid-19 vaccine as it can neutralize the effect of the vaccine on patients.

According to him, the covid-19 vaccine being introduced in Britain is proving to be effective on the variants of the corona, but the way in which it is changing, it is difficult to say that it will continue to be effective. Peacock says the transition to the UK variants is also faster than before. Not only this, this virus form can change over time. Significantly, in the world which has been suffering from the covid epidemic for more than a year, the number of its patients has reached 108,293,836, while 2,378,759 patients have been killed and 80,476,328 patients have been cured. For the past several months, the United States has been at the top in terms of deaths and deaths of the virus in the world. On the other hand, it is at number five in the world. So far, 3,998,655 cases have been reported here, while 115,529 patients have also died.

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