PM took action against Health Minister who violate lockdown
PM took action against Health Minister who violate lockdown

Auckland: Outbreak of Coronavirus epidemic is visible in every corner of the world. More than half of the country is in a lockdown situation at the moment and everyone is acting strictly. In the midst of this strictness, the New Zealand Health Minister has found it costly to take a carelessness. He went to hang out with the family in violation of the lockdown, after which the New Zealand PM has reduced his stature in the government.

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New Zealand Health Minister David Clarke said in a statement that he could not stand with the team in the time of crisis, even after the lockdown was implemented, he took his family to hang out in the beach. Clarke said in his statement that he was 20 km from his house. Driving the car away, reached the beach and walked with the family.

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In this regard, he informed Prime Minister Jacinda and offered his resignation. On this, the PM said that if there was any other situation, I would have removed him from the post, but now is the time against the Coronavirus, so he is not removing him from the post of minister. However, he changed the post of Associate Finance Minister to David Clarke and made a second-tier minister.

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